Introduction (First time? Start here)
This method is meant to guide you through reading from the gospels as a disciple. Jesus' disciples followed him from place to place, watching what he did and listening to what he said. Their job was to observe and reflect. At the end of the day they would discuss their observations with Jesus, and he would correct or explain as necessary. Then their job was to practice what they had learned so they could be more like Jesus.
You can use this page as a guide through the process, and write your responses in a journal. If you want to use the online notes, you can click the link below. It will take you to a set of notes you can fil out on your device and then send to your email inbox.
If you need help choosing a starting place in the Gospels, click on the next box. Otherwise, go straight to the devotional guide.
Choosing Your Passage
If you don't have a reading plan already, choose a gospel and read until Jesus begins interacting with people (Matthew 3, Mark 1:9, Luke 2:41,  John 1:35).  Read one story--when you feel like the story you started has wrapped up, or the focus is shifting to something new, stop. Next time, pick up where you left off.
Step 1: Moment of Silence
Spend some time calming your heart and mind. Focus on slow, steady breathing. Let the distractions in your mind settle like silt in water. When you feel ready to focus on this time in God's word, take the next step. 
Step 2: Pray
Talk to God. If there are burdens distracting you, ask him to hold them for you. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your thoughts as you study so you can understand His word and hear what he has to say to you today.
Step 3: Read and summarize the passage
Read through the passage. Take a moment to think through the events, then answer the first question:

#1. Summarize the basic events of the story.
(Keep it simple. What happened, in what order? Don’t worry about details)
Step 4: Observe the Passage
Read the passage again with your imagination engaged. Picture the story as it unfolds. (If it helps, find an image–a painting, drawing, picture–of the story). Watch Jesus closely. What expression is on his face? Watch his body language. Pay attention to how others react to what he is doing. Then answer the following questions:

#2. What did you see Jesus do? What did you hear him say?
(Don’t just repeat the text. Think about the purpose or meaning of his words and actions. What was Jesus accomplishing?)

#3.  How did people react to Jesus in the text?
(Why did they react that way?)
Step 5: Meditate on the Passage
Think over what you observed and what it means. Answer the following questions:

#4. What did Jesus reveal about himself?
(What do his words and actions show us about his identity? His character? His mission?)

#5. What did the reactions of the others reveal about them? About human beings?
(What did you learn about the obstacles that stop us from following Jesus? The experiences that help us follow him?)
Step 6: Talk with the Master
The 12 disciples had the special opportunity to talk with Jesus about what they say and heard at the end of the day. We have the same opportunity today. Use the last two questions to guide your conversation.

#6. Talk to Jesus about what you’ve seen and heard. Write down anything you want to remember from the conversation.
(Ask him about anything you don’t understand. Talk to him about how you fit in the passage. How would you have reacted in the story? What did the story reveal about the state of your own heart?)

#7. Talk with Jesus about how you can apply what you’ve seen in the passage. Write down what you come up with.
(Are there commands you need to follow? Character traits you need to develop? Priorities you need to change? How can (will) you train yourself to make those changes?)
Step 7: Close with prayer.
Bring before God whatever is on your heart. Share your prayer requests, your joys and sorrows, goals and frustrations. Thank him for what he has shown you, for how he has blessed you. Ask him to help you grow as a disciple to be more like Jesus.
Close with the prayer Jesus gave to his disciples (The Lord’s Prayer)