Summer youth group has something for everyone: chill activities, high-energy activities
 and worship here in Turner and in other places. It's a great summer to join the . . .

TCC Youth

 Youth Group 

Sunday Nights, 6-7:30 PM (check calendar for exact schedule). 

Games and Activities

We spend time just hanging out together. We play outdoor games, board games, ping pong, foosball, Mario Kart, Smash Bros and so much more. 

Worship Through Music

We praise God! Students are encouraged to find a posture that's comfortable for them and focus on the Lord. 

God's Word

We always open the Bible.  Whether a student comes with lots of Bible knowledge and experiences of God, or absolutely none, they will be encouraged as they encounter God through His word. 

Conversation with Friends

Students are age-divided into small groups to spend time discussing their lives, God's words, and to pray together. 

Upcoming Events

Northwest Christian Convention

A week of fun and worship right here in Turner! It's different than camp-it's an opportunity to be with the intergenerational family of God (while still have some designated youth-only time!).
For more information or to register:

Summer Camp!

We're going to Summer Camp!
Middle School: July 7th-12th, $225
Register directly with the camp at:

Spark! Studios VBS

Ready to gain some volunteer skills? Middle schoolers and high schoolers can help at VBS. They get training in working with kids and get to help lead and disciple the littles!
For more info about VBS:

Meet the team.


Youth Pastor/Middle School Leader
I am passionate about finding the best place to hide for Sardines. I also love teaching God's word, eating pizza, and worshipping with my whole heart. 


High School Leader
Anything athletic or outdoors in Gods creation, I'm in! I have a passion for working with young people and hope to make a impact in their lives. I believe the best way to accomplish this is through my actions, showing interest and being a good example.