October 2024 TCC Newsletter

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Wow! I am amazed at what has happened over the past six weeks in our siding project! In case you haven’t heard the announcements, here are a couple of amazing things that happened:
     1.  We asked the congregation if they could give $80,000 for the church siding project.
         You pledged almost $140,000! And before we ever asked you to start giving, you
          turned in $112,000! That is INCREDIBLE!

     2.  We set aside 9 hours on Sep. 21st and 22nd to tear down the siding. Our goal was to
          get at least half of it down. Not only did we get it all done, but we did it in 2.5 hours!
          That is INCREDIBLE!
During the September 22nd service I talked about the fact that, in both the giving and labor, we completed the goal before everyone who committed to participating was able to do so. At the time I encouraged you to keep whatever commitments you have made to God–if you committed to give a certain amount of money to the siding project, but haven’t turned it in (because we hadn’t asked you to yet!) I encouraged you to still give that money to God, rather than putting it back wherever it came from. You could still give it to the building fund, in which case it will go toward the next project that comes up, or you could give it to some other cause that God puts on your heart.

In this article I want to take us one step further in our thinking. I have been looking over King David’s prayer in 1 Chronicles 29. This is the prayer he offers after he leads the Israelites in raising money for the building of the temple. He starts by saying, “who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand” (29:14). I really resonate with that today. Who are we, that we should be able to raise the money for a building project so quickly, and then tear down the old siding in 2.5 hours? Everything we gave to God, whether money or labor, was something God gave to us first. And isn’t it amazing what God accomplished through us, on something as un-glamorous as siding?

But then David says this: “I have seen with joy how willingly your people who are here have given to you. Lord, the God of our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Israel, keep these desires and thoughts in the hearts of your people forever, and keep their hearts loyal to you” (v. 17-18). David prays that his people would never forget how it felt to willingly, joyfully raise money for God’s house. They did this out of loyalty to God, a desire to serve him, a recognition that everything they have belongs to him. And on this occasion, it was easy to do.

David prays that they would remember that feeling because it won’t always be easy to be loyal to God. Under David they have security, prosperity, and prestige. They are a regional empire, respected by their neighbors. On this day, all God asks from them is money–which, at this time, they have to spare. But later on, following God will not be so easy. First of all, it will become less exciting. After building the temple, they will have to settle into the regular work of loving their neighbors and putting God first in their daily decisions. Then they will face times when they are not so secure, not so wealthy, not so powerful or respected. In those times they will be tempted to invest in other gods who offer quick fixes. Staying loyal to God will be harder, and it will cost more. In all those times, David asks that God would remind them of how it felt to give joyfully to the building of the temple.

As we bask in the glow of the excellent start we have made to the siding project, my prayer for our congregation (myself included) is the same as David’s: that we would remember this joy for the days to come when we will be asked to serve, to give, to obey God after the glow has worn off. I think, first of all, of the work of painting the siding. It is important that we not lose momentum before we completely finish the job. I am thinking of upcoming projects, like the like the new flooring we will be installing this Fall and Winter. But most of all, I am thinking of the daily opportunities we will have to love each other, to love our neighbors, in ways that are not dramatic, not celebrated, maybe not even noticed. I am thinking of the 12th time you have a chance to help a person with the same need, and the work is getting old. I am thinking of the 70th time someone repents to you, and you really don’t feel like forgiving. And when I say “you,” I mean any one of us–I definitely include myself in this prayer.

But I do not pray this prayer out of pessimism, worry, or doubt. I pray this prayer in joy and optimism, excited about the future of this congregation. We are a people of the New Covenant, filled with the Holy Spirit, so we can add to David’s prayer the prayer of Paul for the Ephesians:
“I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”

Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about the leadership of youth and children.

When we dismiss the kids from the service on Sunday mornings, you might have heard me mention “Team Ion” as well as Jr. Worship. This year our 3rd-8th graders are working through a program called “Team Ion” which leads them through developing Christian Leadership skills. This is a hands-on program. Each time Team Ion meets the kids do a challenge together without an adult, then independent Bible study, facilitated Bible discussion, an activity and something relevant to the life of the church.

This month is Hospitality. Team Ion has worked through Bible passages relating to hospitality, had discussions about what it is to welcome people to our congregation and done challenges relating to how they can be welcoming to others. They’ve also trained on greeting/communion set-up and our kids check-in.

In the coming year, Team Ion will also work on the following:
  • Leading a prayer in the service
  • Planning events (for themselves and the
  • Learning the basics of our sound booth
  • Volunteering in a ministry
  • Preaching the gospel
  • Taking care of the building
  • Leading games for kids programming
  • Planning a service

As they work through these things (and more!), they’ll be talking about Faithfulness, Holiness, Humility, Thankfulness, Prayerfulness, Representing Christ, Faith in God, Respect for Authority, and Sharing God’s love.

I know that God has gifted our young Christians in incredible ways. As they develop their skills over the coming year, I am excited to see them use them in this congregation and in the community. Please join me in praying over our young leaders-may the coming year deepen their faith, grow in them greater confidence, and increase their joy in the family of God.

Thank you for your incredible support of our young people.

With joy,

There’s something truly wonderful about seeing familiar faces from the previous year, bright with excitement and anticipation, alongside new students who are just beginning to embark on their educational journey. As teachers and staff, we are filled with joy as we greet returning families and extend a warm welcome to newcomers. Together, we get the opportunity to create a community rooted in love, support, and shared learning. Looking ahead, we are filled with hope for the months to come. As we prepare for the cold, crisp days of fall, we know that this season will bring its own beauty and opportunities for learning. The transformation that takes place during these coming months is a poignant reminder of the cycles of life and learning. Reflecting on this, we can’t help but marvel at the incredible job God did in creating the seasons. Each season offers us a rhythm and pattern that mirrors our own experiences. Just as nature changes and flourishes, so do our children, growing in knowledge, character, and friendship. The seasons teach us valuable lessons about patience, resilience, and the beauty of change.

This year, we also look forward to a special milestone in our journey: the 20th Anniversary of Little Lamb Christian Preschool on October 5th. It’s hard to believe that two decades have flown by, filled with countless seasons of growth, love, and learning. Each year has brought its own challenges and triumphs, shaping our preschool into the warm and nurturing community it is today. We invite all families—past and present—to join us as we reflect on the many memories created over the years. Let’s celebrate the children who have walked through our doors, the families who have supported us, the dedicated staff who have poured their hearts into this mission and the church congregation who cheers alongside us. Together, we will honor the legacy of Little Lamb Christian Preschool and look forward to the many seasons yet to come. As we step into this new school year, let us embrace the joy of new beginnings, the warmth of familiar faces, and the promise of growth that lies ahead. With every new friend we make, every lesson learned, and every moment shared, we are reminded that we are all part of a beautiful tapestry woven together by love, faith, and the joy of learning. Here’s to an incredible year ahead!

Little Lamb Preschool is celebrating their 20th year of serving our community on October 5th at 6:30 pm! If you have supported the preschool, prayed for the preschool, helped at the preschool, been on the preschool board, been a teacher at the preschool, or have been a student at the preschool, we would love for you to join us for this monumental celebration!! Come and enjoy reminiscing, memories, dessert!!

Your faithfulness in support of Operation Christmas Child has once again amazed our local Salem Area Team of year round volunteers. Our 4th Annual Community Packing Party in Salem was another blessed event during which we were able to fill 1200 Shoeboxes for ministry to the ends of the earth. Not only that, but we are still packing Shoeboxes with the "extra" inventory in our Work Shoppe. Thank you all so much who have contributed to this ministry!

With National Collection Week approaching in mid-November, our Item of the Month for the next couple of months will be the $10/box recommended donation to successfully get these Shoeboxes processed, shipped, and then distributed with the Gospel presentation of The Greatest Gift.

Your prayers during this time of year are also extremely important. Please pray for all involved in packing Shoeboxes, processing Shoeboxes, and distributing Shoeboxes. Please pray for safety for all Team members in both sending and receiving countries. Please pray that customs officials in receiving countries will be full of Grace as they process these shipments. Please pray for the children and their families and communities, that God will open their hearts and minds to His truth that many will be learning of for the first time.
God is so good. You are so appreciated.                                                          

―Ann Stoker

We thank God for Matt and Rachel
for the many ways they faithfully serve the Lord,
the Turner church, and community.

Many thanks also to the elders
Alan Grunstad, Frank Musgrave, Mike O’Dell, Bill Penhollow, Jon Remy)
who faithfully serve the Lord and this congregation.   

Some ways we can express our appreciation:
  Thank God for them
“And I will give you shepherds after my own heart,
who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.”  (Jeremiah 3:15)

Esteem and respect them very highly in love
“We ask you, brothers, to respect those who labor among you and are over you
in the Lord and  admonish you, and  to esteem them very highly in love
because of their work. (1 Thessalonians 5:12,13)
Imitate their faith
“Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you  the  word of God.
Consider the outcome of their way  of life, and imitate their faith.”  
(Hebrews 13:7)
Pray for them
“Brothers, pray for us.”  
(1 Thessalonians 5:25)

Richard Carter passed away and went home to the Lord
on September 2, 2024.

Eloise Carter then passed away and went home to the Lord
on September 29, 2024.
Please keep  the family in your prayers.
There is no information about a public services.

Sunday School Schedules
9:00 – 10:00 am

Fall Term Sunday School Schedule
September 8-November 17

(with Childcare/Children’s Programs)

Bible Study For Everyone
(Carol George)

A chapter-by-chapter study of books of the Bible using an accompanying
workbook. This class runs continuously throughout the year.

What You Believe Matters
(Debbie Loyd)

Sometimes we are not aware of certain religious beliefs that harm us.
This class will look at some of these beliefs, where they came from,
why they are harmful, and characteristics that make
us more vulnerable to these.

Christian Civics: Following Jesus in a Politically-Divided World 
(Gary Tiffin)
This class will use a book by John Whittaker to help participants work out how their personal faith should inform the way they think and act as citizens of their country
(This is about how to think, not what to think).

Speaking in Church–For Beginners
(Pastor Matt)

This class is for anyone who is interested in taking on speaking roles in our church
services. We will learn about the basics of public speaking, as well as the specifics of leading confession, prayers of the church, communion and offering meditations,
and other speaking roles.

In a busy week, prioritizing spending time in the Bible can become pushed to the side―or we might not even be sure how to spend time in the Bible! Starting Tuesday, October 8th, at 8:00 am, this women's group will study through Ephesians, with a workbook that will help you to spend at least a few minutes in God's word daily. Women of all ages are welcome. This study will be a firm 55 minutes each week, for our women on the way to work :) Come delight in the company of other women as we dive deeper into our faith together.

We are looking for subs to join our Nursery/Jr Worship Teams! 
Subs are an important part of our dynamic―while they only are need periodically they make all the difference for teachers when they are sick, or want to make travel plans.
Subs are background-checked, trained, and appreciated!
Contact Pastor Rachel for more information.

This Food Drive will begin Sunday, October 6th and continue through Sunday , November 10th. There will be a receptacle located in the lobby area in which to place donations The food collected will be used specifically for Holiday Food Boxes distributed through our Food Bank.

The following items are being collected:
Boxed Potatoes, Canned Gravy; Green Beans, Fried Onions, Pasta, Jelly, Evaporated Milk, Stuffing Mix, Canned Soup, Cranberry Sauce, Pudding/Jello, Peanut Butter, Canned Corn, Canned Fruit, Cake Mix/Frosting, Biscuit Mix, Applesauce.

All Ladies are Invited to an Evening
of Fun, Fellowship and  Prayer!

We will watch the movie “Bedtime Stories”
A handyman's life is changed when the bedtime stories
he tells his niece and nephew start to magically come true!

After the movie we will share in a time of prayer for our church and community.
Invite a friend to come with you and bring a snack to share!

The Turner You Never Knew About • October 23rd • 1:30 pm
Hop on the bus and discover the wonderful town of Turner. We will have a guided tour by our ex-mayor, Gary Tiffin. He will share the town as he knows it. There are many places that we will be introduced to. We will journey over to see some of the sights in Stayton and end up at the Lovin Oven for a piece of cake. Please register early because of limited space on the bus. If you have any questions, please contact Virginia Musgrave.

Bowling Trip to Northgate Bowl  •  October 25th
Dust off your bowling shoes and join us for an exciting afternoon at the Northgate Bowling Alley in Salem. If you don’t want to bowl come and be part of the cheering squad! The cost is $5.00 per bowler which includes shoes and a bowling ball of your choice. Transportation will leave the TCC parking lot at 1:00 and return about 3:30. Sign up on the app or call Virginia Musgrave at 503-743-1500. Come challenge Virginia’s high score of 76!

Join us for our annual event―
games, a candy walk, a glow room, crafts, and lots and lots of candy!

Because our parking lot quickly filled up in the past, we had to move the event and displays inside the church building so we would have more parking spaces available. We've also updated the event name, but it is the same welcoming, family-friendly event!
This is our biggest event (in terms of attendance) that we do this year-and we'd love all of you to help put it on! If you go to the Candy Carnival Volunteering Event on the church app, you can see the various needs and get signed up to help. We have roles for all ages!

Due to the Candy Carnival being held on a Thursday Evening, that week’s Thursday Evening Worship Service will be held on Wednesday, October 30th at 6:00 pm.

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